by Neal Lebar (President of ICS Shoes)

I'm always elated to receive a testimonial from a customer, since we don't hound them for Feedback. I'm amazed they've taken the time to write and thank us for going above and beyond. We pride ourselves in "doing whatever it takes" to help people with several ways to communicate with us.
Today, many people are using their smart phones to browse our site and communicate via voice, email and text. Some people will text or email pictures to show us the issues. We in turn, send recommendations by text or email, depending upon the persons preference. Although we're happy to speak on the phone, sometimes it's more convenient to use other forms of communications.
A few weeks ago, we received a call from Donna who was extremely frustrated trying to find a shoe. She ordered several shoes from a large online retailer and kept returning them. There was no one to help her and all she could do was "guess" which shoe would work. When she found the ICS site, she was fit to be tied. Donna explained, she needed a 5E width shoe but none of the ones she had ordered fit, and she couldn't understand why. Josie, our Fitting Specialist, proceeded to work with Donna over the phone, measuring her feet to determine her size, width, and volume. After about 30 minutes on the phone, Josie indicated to Donna that she needed a much wider shoe. Donna was very defensive - "I don't have a 9E wide foot!". Josie very calmly explained the sizing with Donna and showed her the options of shoes to consider. Finally, Donna said, "OK, I've tried everything else, let's order one of the shoes you recommend." A few days later, she received the shoe, tried it on and called Josie back. She was finally able to get her foot into the shoe but it was a little tight, and now understood her other options. She ordered a slightly different style that provided a little more room inside the shoe. After previously spending several weeks buying and returning shoes, it took just one week for Josie to help Donna find the perfect fitting shoe.
Donna is one example of the hundreds of people that we've helped. We receive many calls and email's from people who've recently been fitted for a foot brace (AFO), have severe swelling in their feet, and other medical conditions such as; Bunions, Hammertoes, Claw Toes, Flat Feet, Braces (AFO), Lymphoedema, Edema, Charcot, and Neuropathy. We Encourage people to call or email us, so we can help them, get it right the first time.
We also receive calls and emails from "care takers", helping their parents or siblings. Sherri M. is her sister's care taker who contacted us via email and also sent pictures of her sisters feet. All of the communication with Sherri was done via email since her sister lived at a different location. This gave our Fitting Specialist a clear understanding of the issues we needed to address. Sherri M. subsequently sent us this email...
"I just wanted to send along a "THANK YOU" for all the help and recommendation / advice you have given me and to let you know that I did place an order this past Friday evening (2-7-20) for shoes & sockwear for my sister!! I did go with your recommendations...all the information you provided made everything so much easier in making a final decision on what might work best for her and meet all the needs she has!! You have been so great...and everyone else there at all provide the best customer give the "above & beyond" service...ICS provides a wide variety of shoes that meets anyone's need for footwear but I'm thinking the folks who have medical conditions and need to have special requirements met...are the folks who are truly blessed with your kindness & integrity in finding just the very best possible shoe type / style / size that meet their needs!! I'll keep you posted on the outcome, Josie!! I do know because of all the issues my sister has...there maybe a possibility that things won't work out....but I also know that company anywhere has worked as hard in providing the best product & customer service and all with great kindness & caring and patience than the folks at ICS Shoes!! Thank you esp. Josie for doing such a great job!! -Sincerely, Sherri M."
Over the years, I've been trying to determine what sets ICS apart. All I had to do was read the testimonials we have received. Our philosophy has always been, "to do whatever it takes - go above and beyond", to help people. I realized, we are not in the "shoe business" but our Mission is to help you walk in Comfort! All you have to do is, Listen to the People we've helped. It's not about selling shoes... it's all about Doing Whatever it Takes to make a difference. So, go ahead Call, Email, or Text us - we're here to help you.