Whether you’re a runner, a walker, or a casual stroll in the park type, the right footwear will make a huge difference for your feet and your overall health. The wrong shoes will keep you off your feet. The right shoes will keep you moving and healthy! Let us help get you in the right shoes. We know how to help you find
the perfect fit.
Athletic shoes come in many shapes and sizes. Running, training, and walking shoes can be used for hiking and jogging. While there are many shoes that are specifically for one activity, the best multi-purpose shoes for athletics will feature a soft upper, great shock absorption, and good traction. Also look for cushioning, control, and stability in the heel. The heel should allow the foot to roll naturally as you move.
There is an athletic shoe for you. If you’re suffering from foot conditions such as hammertoes, bunions, or swelling in the feet, we have shoes that will fit and feel great. Our athletic shoes that feature all mesh or leather and mesh uppers will keep your feet cooler and address foot issues for comfort. By taking the time to listen, to learn about your lifestyle and your foot conditions, we’re able to help you find the right shoe and the perfect fit.
Give us a call to find out which athletic shoe will work best for you.
Here are a few of our favorites:

Xelero Shoes Genesis X67845

Dr. Comfort Shoes Katy

Xelero Shoes Matrix X35815

Dr. Comfort Shoes Performance